Sunday, June 04, 2006

Today I went to New Life and although I'll normally be helping Devin with the children's church, today I got to sit in on the "big church". It's really nice though, because Rex is really trying to ease me in slowly to this whole summer missionary thing. For instance, all I had to do today was run powerpoint (well actually a program called easy worship). But, I have my first weekly meeting with Rex and Devin Tuesday so i'm sure there will be a little more expected of me in the weeks to come. The church is really nice. We meet in a middle school that just opened in the fall so it's very nice auditorium. The children meet in the cafeteria. They have pretty good equipment and what not so it looks really good. Everything is really well organized and they're averaging between 65-85 people any given Sunday! They even have a worship band so that was nice. I'm looking forward to helping with children's church. it should be fun - they usually have about 10-15 kids each sunday. Anyway, I'm off to watch Beauty Shop with Chelsea (Kyle's sister who is going to be a junior)...catch ya later


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear today was good! What age are the children? Not babies I hope...haha. Glad to see you are having a chance to get use to things...God made you that way...remember what you'd do at the playground before you'd join in.....?????? Isn't it cool how God works?! love ya, mommie

Lyndsey said...

I was prayin for you guys' church today! It's good to know they're putting you right to work without overwhelming you (avoiding burn-out). Funny to hear you looking forward to working with kids. Break out the macaroni and glue!!