Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I went tonight to see the Passion Play that my church does each year before Easter and typically I just go out of habit. But tonight, for the first time in a long time, I was actually moved. Anyone who knows me knows I am not an emotional person (and don't think there was major shedding of tears because there wasn't), but I was so overwhelmed by God's amazing love and grace that He shows. There was one solo that was entitled "You Humble Me" It was sung by the Mary Magdelene character. If you know your Bible, she was a horrible outcast...definitely a "big sinner". But Jesus reached out to her, loved her, healed her, and made her whole. This song was about how she realized that Jesus had just died for HER sin. His death was personal! When I heard this song I could completely identify with her. One of the lines is "it brings me to my knees" and I would agree. Although I fail the Lord so often, He still loves me and died for MY sin! "MY sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin, not in part but the whole, was nailed to the cross and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord. It is well with my soul! His grace still amazes me!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

Send me the lyrics to the song.

Moved by the Passion Play, eh? What's next? Tears for Celebrate America? Sleep during Singing Christmas Tree time?