Just to update the temperature, the high today was 51 around 8 tonight. BRRR! oh well.
I now like coffee. Ok, not coffee straight up but there's this coffee shop called "One Mean Bean" and they have the most amazing!! Beanuccino's ever! It's 2 espresso shots, a little milk, ice and caramel syrup. YUM! Plus, it helps me to stay up late :) Seriously though, I had 2 in one day (about 3 hours apart). I'm addicted.
Church today was really good. We met in the cafeteria for our service because it was a celebration service - kinda wrapping up the 40 Days of Purpose the church just completed. We had food and what not. I really like the closeness of the cafeteria. I mean the auditorium is really, really nice, but it's too huge for the amount of adults that we have. Rex gave a good message too. He was passionate about the topic which is taking what we learn about God and actually doing something with that and sharing the love of Christ with those we encounter. It was good!
I feel at peace here. It's nice to finally feel that. I don't think I realized how unpeaceful (is that a word) and restless I felt until coming here. It's weird but very cool. One thing that I love here is that I have seen several rainbows now. Like when I woke up from my 2 1/2 hour nap today :) there was a rainbow outside waiting for me. It's just a sweet reminder to me that God provides what we need even when we may not know that we need it.
God is teaching me some things about ministry. I felt as though I knew them before, but I never had actually experienced them. Does that make sense? Anyway, I'm learning how hard ministry is. Before now, church (as I have experienced it) ran pretty smoothly. the reason for this though is that Bellevue is a very established church. Here at New Life, everything is a new experience, everything is a trial. It's difficult. Also, I'm being shown when to use discernment in speaking, when to be very honest, and when to walk away. Last night was definitely a test of that. I had some interesting conversations with a guy (a friend of kyle's) whose personality is very much like mine only more abrasive (at least I hope I'm not that abrasive). I had to bite my tongue at some points, be truthful at other times, and finally I had to walk away. Nothing wrong with that...it's just difficult for me. I have the gift of prophecy and exhortation. In other words, I see problems very clearly. I also see how to fix them. However, it's a daily thing that God teaches me of when people are ready to hear and when I need to back off. Quite an interesting lesson that I wish I didn't have to learn :)
Anyway, I'm excited about tomorrow. I get to go with Devin to Mediacom and learn how to use their cameras. I'm talking really nice mamajammas that are high quality. Kinda excited. Kinda not so excited because Devin is way more familiar with this stuff than I am so I'll probably feel like an idiot. Oh well. What else is new? (besides my name of course). haha. Nathan asked me the other day, "what's new" and I replied with "my name". It took him a while but he got it. It made me laugh.
I think I'm going to bed soon. All this lack of sleep is catching up with me. It's just the family as a whole are night people and I'm so not. I feel like I'm missing out on something if I'm not hanging out with them, but I also don't want to be cranky. We know how cranky I can get without sleep. Right savannah, linzee, mom? ok well probably everyone reading this knows. :) so goodnight dear readers. Thanks for keeping up with me.
Ps...I dropped off my film tonight so hopefully by tomorrow afternoon I will have pictures up! YAY! here's hoping they turned out good. til we meet again, parting is such sweet sorrow. or something like that!